Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Final Post

Let's catch you up to speed on things, a lot of things, I'm currently 19 almost 20 years old, I've grown a lot through this blog and you can see it through the types of things I would post, I've been out of high school for about roughly 3 years now, and I can tell you that becoming an adult, learning about how to actually manage responsibilities and go through tough times in life, well it's tiring and I'm not entirely sure how to recover from it. I don't know if anyone actually even reads my blog and if anyone does well I am glad you are here, thank you for reading the idiotic things I have been posting and I hope some of it gave you a laugh and I hope some of it taught you some things. This blog was started in elementary school, it was an assignment we had to do in the 5th grade and I could say that it was a nice learning experience. Like I said though, I need to catch you guys up on a lot of things, and most of it is not so pretty. Just for the safety of these people's privacy, I won't be using their real names like I have done so in the past, I will be using fake names but anyone who knows me or is involved in my life will know the people I am referring to when I use these fake names.

Anyways shall I get started? It was senior year in high school and I was dating this girl name Katelyn, (like I said to protect privacy I won't be using real names) and she was a really cool girl. She was kinda a rebound of a girl I dated before her named Emma, Emma was a girl I like since middle school and the relationship, well it started because of sex. Anyways Emma and I broke up and I can say I was a little upset but I wasn't so upset over it that I got to the point where I am now, and that I will explain here shortly. Anyways Katelyn and I dated for about a year and I could say that it was fun and I did a lot of things I thought I would never experience in life and I'm glad she gave me those memories because I don't have anything against her and I wish her the best in life. Katelyn treated me well and she did everything right. Well, I was at work one day, and this is when I was still working at McDonald's, I was working the first window in the drive-through so I took orders and I took cash and sent them on their way to the second window, mind you, I was still with Katelyn. Anyways I received a message on the Facebook app "Messenger" and I opened it up and this is where it all began. The love of my life Brooke. She was beautiful in every way shape or form. She had a beautiful mind and I couldn't help but talk to her because she was astonishing. So this is where Brooke and I started and from that point on for two years we were together and I could say Brooke was the love of my life, she was everything to me. I told her I wanted to marry her several times and that she is the only woman I wanted to bear my children, I didn't want any other woman to be the mother of my children and at this point, I still don't but I don't want her to either anymore. She was everything I needed and wanted in life, she was my source of happiness and she was the person I went to about everything and I couldn't stop thinking about her once her and I split.

I broke it off with her because I thought it was the healthy decision for both of us, and in turn, it was for her and not for me. To this day I am still in love with her, I wish I wasn't I wish I could forget about her, I wish I could strip those memories away and move on but what she is doing to me now is unforgettable and unforgivable, she is with this guy Joseph. They went on a camping trip together just the two of them and they both knew how I was about the break-up, I couldn't let go of her and I still can't, I couldn't stop loving her and I still can't, but it seems as though she could very easily. There are many things I regret doing in life but the one thing I regret more than anything and would give up anything and everything to go back and change is the day I broke up with Brooke. I wish I never did, she was my soul mate. But I wasn't her's. Anyways, they started talking a lot when Brooke and I broke up and Joseph knew, he knew because I told him how I felt and the one thing I asked from Brooke was to not go after any of my friends, to not go behind my back and disrespect me in that way and I asked Joseph the same thing and I asked him specifically to not do that to me. They did it anyway obviously. Some things you can get over easily and some things become so implanted in your mind that you wish there was a way to cut it out of your brain physically and never remember their faces or who they are or what they've done to you so you can finally be happy again. There is only one solution and unfortunately I can't do that one thing, I would hurt too many people in the process but slowly I am coming to the point where I am telling myself that those people I hurt will be perfectly fine, they will eventually begin to forget the memories, they will eventually get better and be okay and I will be nothing but a distant memory.

I'm not sure if I will ever be posting on this blog again, but I thought I would catch all of you up on what has been going on lately and I hope that you guys have enjoyed all of the fun love and drama-filled posts I have made over the years to just kind of throw my thoughts out there and kind of give myself some kind of therapy. I just wish that things could have been different and that Brooke would have never done what she is doing to me. Thank you all again for the love of support for whoever has been here and continues to be here. This is my last post though. Thank you again.

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