Sunday, September 9, 2012


Hey everyone so as you can see by my title that this is about my grandma I call her gramzy cause I guess I gave her that nickname when I was younger. Well she has a bad cancer and it traveled around her body fast! Since it took a couple of days to get to her brain. She has a hard time remembering many things and it's hard on her family cause we are trying to take care of her but we all know she is gonna die very soon. But any one who are butt heads then leave now! This is my grandma we are talking about what would you do if I talked crap about your dying grandmother? Exactly you wouldn't like it either! So yea that's the story of my grandmother I will probably post about what happens later on. So don't keep your hopes up cause I might not.

1 comment:

  1. My grandma completely forgot who I was..... She never dies but I didn't excist to her any more I had to introduce my self every time I saw her
