Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The New LIFE!

Ok I know I don't post on my blog which I probably have lost at least 50 of my viewers but life is hard you know what I mean? I can't constantly post on my blog everyday of every hour of every minute of every second, you know? Well lots of things have happened since I last posted. Of course the big one my grandma, I have gotten over it but not completely. I found a girl I liked right? But this is like a couple months passed me and vel. She was really cool you know but, if your coming off of TeaDawg17's blog, then you know who vel is from skinny (me) and vel. I really hate losing viewers but I try to keep on top of things. When I asked out this girl though, Maddi, I was completely in love. I risked getting my a** beat by my dad just to get my phone and talk to her. I put my heart out for her and cared for her. I even told her I would take a bullet for her if we were in that kind of situation. Guess what she tells my friend (Meana a girl I almost dated a while ago) Meana, she tells her that I'm very sweet and that SHE LIKES ME remember that. But get this, she tells Meana she doesn't want to date me, remember (SHE LIKES ME?) the last sentence. Well yea so now i'm to be honest like in complete depression you could say if you wanted to. I cared about her more than I cared about my own life! She was the girl of my dreams and then she goes and says this?! This was most likely the last girl I would ever ask out. I am not saying I'm to go full blown gay for all you idiots who think that! But she was my last hope of ever getting a girlfriend. I might talk to her tomorrow about it, but I might not considering I'm in full blown depression status over here. I guess you can say I'm funny cause I make my friends at my new school laugh, A LOT! It's so funny I'll make up the dumbest joke ever and they will laugh. I guess that's the only thing that is keeping me going from not talking to anyone or doing anything. Plus I wouldn't even be able to do that because I have grades I have to worry about. Once those grades come up I can finally talk to Maddi about why she likes me and thinks I'm sweet, but doesn't want to date? Well I'm glad I was able to get all of this off of my chest, because now I think my depression has gone away a little bit. Also if your one of those die hard Eminem fans, listen to one of my favorite songs by him. I'll give you a clue. "Yea, It's my life, my own words I guess. Have you ever loved someone so much you give an arm for. Not the expression. No. Literally give an arm for. When they know they're your heart and they you wear their armour. You will destroy anyone who would try to harm her!" Thanks for reading, SkinnyGuy1999 Broken Heart Emo

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