Sunday, May 12, 2013

Kayla, judging, and some advice.

So here we are talking about Kayla. Been a while since I've posted on here. And to be honest this relationship sucks. I miss Mahelet. More than anything else in this world. She means a lot to me. Like trust me there are some moments that Kayla is actually with me when I need her but not much of the time. Mahelet has been there for me since day one. She loves me and to be honest. I love her too. I know that Kayla can see this but I'm taking a risk. It's the way I am. I don't like it but it is how it is. People judging. One thing I hate the most. Never have liked it. Never will. So if you are reading this and judge the way other people feel about a person or who they love. Just stop. How would you like it if someone made fun of you or judged you because you loved your parents? Don't say "I'd kick their a**" cause you wouldn't. You'd feel hurt and that you made a dumb decision when in reality. It was the best choice you ever made to date this person or to love this person. Plus if you threatened me like that, it wouldn't end so pretty for you. So just like be serious right now for a minute, and think of what you love and what your grateful for and who you have and what you have. When your finished reflect over your life. Think of all the good things you lost. All the great people you feel anguished over. Take somethings to heart. Let people be who they want to be. They want to be a drug dealer, let them. They want to be a nerd, let them. They want to be a bully, let them. It's life! It's something they can actually be good at! A skill that they can't get rid of. For me, basketball has been a great skill of mine. Never gonna change for anyone and for no reason what so ever. Football, another great skill of mine, I have the speed of a Wide Receiver. Baseball, I'm great at hitting and throwing. It's things that i'm good at that makes me who I am. The way I act. The way I live. The way I speak and the way I look. All make me who I am today. So why judge? Where has it ever gotten you? Why does it matter to be popular or not? It's friends so what you can have your family as your friends. You don't need other people. Your family is there for you everyday no matter what. So why rely on other people than your family? Try taking all of this to consideration. Try to think of who you can really truly be. Think of what makes you, you. Love who you love, dream what makes you dream, live the way you want. Be open. Live everyday as if it were your last. Don't let anyone else stand in the way of that. No one. Let your TRUE friends help you achieve your goal, let your family help you. Let the one you love help you. Kayla has helped me and I love her. Mahelet has helped me and I love her. Amber has helped me and I love her. Maddi has helped me and I love her. Laurissa has helped me and I love her. Emily has helped me and I love her. Family has helped me and I love them for that. Yea sure you think I'm spilling my heart out to you, you can think whatever you'd like to think. I'm just giving advice on how I try to live my life to the fullest and how I try to not let anyone stand in the way of me. Thanks for reading. Skinnyguy1999.

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